Costing out the refreshments

AON Carry out calculations involving two or more steps with numbers of any size with or without a calculator

AON Check your ,methods in ways that pick up faults and make sure your results make sense.

AON Show clearly the methods of your calculations and give the level of accuracy of your results.


Things to do


Create a list of possible refreshments.


ICT2.1 Search for and select information to meet your needs. written and graphical material


Cost out this items form two supermarkets.


Write this out by hand- add up mentally and scan this so it can be hyperlinked.


Check with a calculator.


Compare the two total amounts and draw a conclusion of which supermarket you will be using.


Explain why you will use one over the other this could be to do with one being nearer and the petrol costs would outweigh the lower price from the other supermarket.