Outcome 1 Understand what is required for competence in own work role

1.1 describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role

1.2 explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards.

332. worksheet grid for self-evaluation
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Teaching Assistant 2 (TA2)


To work under the direction of the teacher to undertake work, care and support programmes, to enable access to learning for pupils and to assist the teacher in the management of pupils.

Description of duty

Frequency in role

Scale 1-10

Example from practice if no example state reason for not having had this opportunity in role

Works under the direction of the class teacher, SENCO or a member of the school’s Senior Management Team to carry out work and tasks set by the teacher. Works with individual pupils or small groups of pupils as directed by the teacher and under the teacher’s guidance.



Carries out work pre-planned by the teacher, but will be expected to use own initiative to enable pupils to access the learning activity by application of specific skills, knowledge and experience with and of the pupils within the guidelines set by the teacher.



Carries out work planned and prepared by the teacher and in accordance with the teacher’s instructions. May be required to adapt work/activities as directed by the teacher.



Assists the teacher and works as directed in preparation of the classroom and resources for planned work to take place. May involve adapting work and activities as directed by the teacher.



Assists with assessment and monitoring of pupil progress by providing feedback to the teacher on pupils’ achievements, progress and problems.



Assists with record keeping on pupil progress as directed by the teacher.



Works with other adults involved in the education process as directed by the teacher.



Involved in meetings with other staff, external professionals and parents regarding pupils in a support capacity to the teacher who will normally lead on such matters.



Supports colleagues across the school staff as directed by the teacher, SENCO or Senior Management Team by application of any specific skills, experience and knowledge in relation to pupils and the curriculum, and to include routine administrative and clerical tasks.



Accompanies other staff on school visits and in other activities outside of the classroom and has responsibility for specific pupils or small groups as directed by the teacher.



Follows all school policies and procedures, in particular: School’s Health, Safety and Security Policy, Child Protection Policy, Behaviour Management Policy, Inclusion Policy, Equalities Policy and Data Protection Policy



Participates as required in the school’s performance management and supervision systems and take part in appropriate training and development activities



Makes appropriate use of ICT and adhere to policies relating to it, within their work in line with the school’s systems of working



May be given specific areas of responsibility within the school that are appropriate to specific skills, knowledge and experience, for example in maintaining curriculum resources in a given subject area, preparing displays etc.



Contributes to the overall ethos, work and aims of the school






Frequency in role

Scale 1-10

Example from practice if no example state reason for not having had this opportunity in role

Monitors and is responsive to pupil learning and behaviour at all times by making adjustments to supervised activities.




Monitors and is responsive to pupils’ personal needs and communication.




Under the direction of the class teacher communicates effectively with teachers, other professionals and parents whenever the need arises and recognises the need to communicate.





On the basis of their knowledge and understanding of pupils, needs and responses to learning, contributes to the planning and review of the differentiated curriculum and individual education plans/individual behaviour plans.




Participates in the design of classroom and school displays.






Frequency in role

Scale 1-10

Example from practice if no example state reason for not having had this opportunity in role

Internal Contributes to the teacher’s planning, teaching and assessment of the curriculum - daily. Enables pupils’ access to the planned curriculum and meets personal and social needs – daily. Takes part in departmental or whole school meetings as required. Works in collaboration with other support staff - daily.




External Provides information about pupils’ progress, strategies eg inclusion programmes.




DECISIONS – discretion and consequences


Frequency in role

Scale 1-10

Example from practice if no example state reason for not having had this opportunity in role

Takes action to meet pupils’ needs as they arise to avoid undue physical or mental stress.




Communicates information effectively to teachers, other professionals and parents whenever the need arises.




Recognises when it is necessary to make adjustments to planned activities in order to enable a pupil to access the curriculum fully and make progress and discusses these with class teacher.





Scale 1-10


Suggested target for continuing professional development

Communication skills




Time management and organisational skills




Literacy and numeracy skills




ICT capability




Knowledge of normal child development and children’s personal development needs




Knowledge of strategies which promote good behaviour and discipline





Ability to participate fully in planned physical interventions, in pupil personal care routines and in moving and handling pupils with physical disabilities safely, using appropriate mechanical and other lifting devices, following recognised procedures.